Dynamic Dental Studio

Teeth Whitening

For Whiter, Brighter Smiles

Even if you have perfectly aligned teeth, you may feel hesitant to flaunt them if they lack the

dazzling white shine you desire. Over time, teeth can become discoloured due to various factors, including cleaning habits and dietary choices. Certain foods, such as coffee or red wine, are notorious for causing teeth discolouration.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem! At Dynamic Dental Studio, we offer Boutique

Whitening systems to help you reclaim your radiant smile. Our premium quality whitening gel

delivers exceptional results, with noticeable improvement in just a few days.

Boutique Whitening is designed to seamlessly fit into your lifestyle, providing you with the flexibility to whiten your teeth your way. You can choose Boutique By Day, which requires only 1

hour of wear time per day, or opt for Boutique By Night to whiten your teeth as you sleep.

When it comes to achieving rapid results, Boutique employs the highest strength formula

available. Its pH neutral gels ensure teeth protection, while integrated potassium nitrate helps

reduce sensitivity. With its high-water content, the gel keeps your teeth hydrated, and its thicker

consistency prevents saliva-washout.

So how does Boutique Whitening work? It utilises a double-action formula to give you a stunning white smile. The whitening gels break down to release oxygen ions, effectively removing surface stains. Simultaneously, they penetrate deep into the tooth, whitening it from the inside out.

As everyone's teeth are unique and start at different shades, it is important to consult your dentist to determine the best product for you and to understand the realistic results that can be

achieved. (Whitening is not recommended if pregnant or breastfeeding).

Reclaim your confidence and enjoy the benefits of a brighter, more radiant smile.

Contact us today to book a consultation with our dental professionals who will guide you through the Boutique Whitening process and help you achieve your desired results.

Our Results

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A beautiful smile is just a call away! At Dynamic Dental Studio, your smile is our reward. Even after just one treatment, you’ll start to see amazing improvements. Contact our practice today to learn more about our teeth whitening treatments and to book an appointment.

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Dynamic Dental also offers Colgate’s luminous professional whitening, this can only be prescribed by a dental professional as medical grade bleach is provided which you simply cannot buy over the counter or online.

Also, you must ensure you have no dental disease before you embark on any type of tooth whitening. All you need is a whitening pen, the at home light device and 10 minutes of your time per day for 2 weeks! Whitening has never been so simple.

No trays, No gel, Walk away today.

About Our Practice

Here's What Makes Us Different


Professional Oral Health Educators


Detailed Consultations for All Services


We Go That Extra Mile For Your Perfect Smile


Timely and Considerate Service

Dental Treatments 

General Dentistry

As a private general dentist, we work with patients of all ages. From children to seniors, we provide just about all of the dental and oral health care that you require.

Teeth Whitening

Dynamic Dental Studio uses White Dental Beauty tooth whitening systems to help you bring back your smile.



A dental implant is a long-term, discreet solution for replacing missing or failing teeth using a  titanium screw that is placed directly into your jawbone, replacing the root of your missing tooth. 


Active Aligners

Active Aligners straighten your teeth effectively. Constructed from a superior, transparent plastic material, eliminating the need for metal brackets, wires or screws. These aligners are practically invisible, providing you with the ability to wear them unnoticed by others.



It’s recommended that you have professional teeth cleaning and exam at least twice a year.

Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns are tooth-coloured and -shaped caps that are fitted over an existing tooth in order to protect the tooth in question and improve overall oral health. 

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